
Welcome to Maker >

Maker is the freelance practice of Lachlan Nuttall (and friends).
We create beautiful digital experiences of all kinds.
Our services include:
Creative interactive experiences
Creative development
  • Creating award-winning interactive 2d and 3d experiences for the web
  • High performance game development for the web
  • Touchscreen installations for museums and galleries, educational apps
  • Advanced HTML5 animation with JavaScript
  • WebGL shader authoring in GLSL
  • Code driven infographics, animated SVGs
Mobile app development
Mobile app development
  • Award-winning native or cross-platform app development
  • Technical strategy and UX design
  • Database architecture (NOSQL & SQL)
Graphic Design
  • Artwork and interface design
  • Branding and identity development
  • Infographics and technical illustration
Icons by ArmOkay from the Noun Project
Technical Stack:
  • Modern ES6+ Javascript
  • React
  • Vue
  • CSS (SASS)
  • HTML / HTML5
  • React Native
  • Swift
  • Objective-C
  • Firebase (Google)
  • Three.js (3d WebGL)
  • Pixi.js (2d WebGL / WebGPU)
  • GSAP (Greensock)
  • GLSL Shader Language
We specialise in:
1. Great code

Our code is robust, well architected and built using best practices and established design patterns.

2. User focus

We prioritise user experience to create intuitive, engaging, and accessible solutions.

3. Attention to detail

As we are from a design background we excel at faithfully translating art to polished digital products.


We're proud to have the opportunity to work in a lead development role with some amazing brands and institutions (as members of some amazing multidisciplinary teams!).

Royal Children's Hospital Melbourne
TAE Aerospace
Queensland Government
Peters Icecream
SIDS and Kids
Allianz Insurance
National Gallery of Victoria
Australian Government
Wiley Publishing
The Royal Australian Air Force

> See some great work examples over at Lachlan's portfolio.

Get in touch!

For all enquiries please contact:

Lachlan Nuttall